Travel in Way Kambas Elephant Lampung

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Travel in Way Kambas Elephant Lampung - Way Kambas National Park is a national park situated protection of elephants in Lampung. Way Kambas is located in East Lampung regency, a nature reserve lowland area of ​​about 1300 km ², is a 2 hour drive from the city of Bandar Lampung in all growing regions of Bergen and the Archaeological Site Pugung Raharjo, pepper plantations, Lampung city and village Wana Curup stopover Way or may also pass through Metro City that previously we could stop at Zone Agro Tourism Pekalongan BBI.

Elephant Training Center located in the village of Karangsari or 9 miles from the signpost Ijo, the Gate Way Kambas National Park with a paved road which is also a National Park borders the village farm. Arena performances featuring dance performances attract elephants as elephants, standing on a pole, stepping over people, playing ball etc.. Activities to do including elephant safari, hunting photos, take a train elephants. Facilities available are: small mosque, parking, rest house, arena attractions, food and souvenir stalls and other public fasiitas.

Also in Way Kambas National Park you can find other menraik, in Way Kambas not just about elephants entertainment there. You can find animals such as the endangered Sumatran rhinoceros, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Pineapple Forest, Crocodile clip. For many plants discovered fire, Pidada, Nipah, pandan. On the Way Kambas National Park coastal marshes are also often found in various species of birds such as storks Tongtong, pheasant Blue, Kuau King, Bird Pependang East, and some other birds.


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